For any of you who took part in any running over the London
Marathon Sunday then you’re aware of the discomfort that warm weather running
can be. Especially since most of you would have been training during the cold
winter and very cold March.
Now that we’re into May we need to start thinking about how
we can make warm weather running more tolerable so that you keep going in the
First, try running earlier or later than normal to get most
of the cooler temperatures. Avoid running during the peak of the day. If you
must run during the daytime, try and find a shady path or trail to avoid the
heat of the sun directly.
Second, stay hydrated. This doesn’t mean drinking all the
water you can on a run but more like staying hydrated during the day and day before
you’re running. Be sure to drink an electrolyte drink when you’ve been training
in the heat.
Third, slow down! Remember the pace you normally run at may
not be comfortable or tolerable. Running at a perceived rate of exertion rather
than a specific pace is more sensible.
Finally, if it’s too hot and you have access try running on
a treadmill. Especially for shorter runs this may be the best choice to keep
you going.
And remember if you’re on medication make sure to check if
they have a sensitivity to heat.
Please stay safe in the heat and enjoy the weather!