When we’re running we tend to have a look at a lot of numbers
as we go along: distance, pace, heart rate, time. But, are we focussing too
much on the numbers rather than enjoying the exercise for its own sake?
Many of us who are training for an event need to keep track
of our distance, time and pace to ensure we’re on track for a successful event.
However, after the event sometimes we lose focus and aren’t’ sure what to do
My advice is to turn off the numbers. Go out running without
a watch and use your own rate of perceived exertion and don’t rely on pace
numbers. It’s a good way to just get down to the bare bones of running. Try and
enjoy being in the outdoors and use mindfulness techniques to check in with how
your body feels from your head to your feet.
Running without fear of being slow or fast can be a freeing
experience. And once you’ve found your love of running again and decide on your
next event you can move back to using your watch. But, don’t let it dictate
your entire life.