Tuesday 22 May 2018

Ditch the watch and just enjoy running again

When we’re running we tend to have a look at a lot of numbers as we go along: distance, pace, heart rate, time. But, are we focussing too much on the numbers rather than enjoying the exercise for its own sake?

Many of us who are training for an event need to keep track of our distance, time and pace to ensure we’re on track for a successful event. However, after the event sometimes we lose focus and aren’t’ sure what to do next.

My advice is to turn off the numbers. Go out running without a watch and use your own rate of perceived exertion and don’t rely on pace numbers. It’s a good way to just get down to the bare bones of running. Try and enjoy being in the outdoors and use mindfulness techniques to check in with how your body feels from your head to your feet.

Running without fear of being slow or fast can be a freeing experience. And once you’ve found your love of running again and decide on your next event you can move back to using your watch. But, don’t let it dictate your entire life.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Bored with your routine, include your furry friend!

Have you ever thought about exercising with your dog? It’s a great way to help grow the bond between you and your dog and keep you both fit. Having a furry friend who helps keep you going even on rainy days is a huge benefit to your health and wellbeing.

But what are the best ways to exercise with your dog?

Obviously running is a good choice. Like with people make sure you progress your pet slowly and if it’s too hot bring plenty of water for them to drink or if it’s ridiculously hot skip the run.

Stand up Paddle Boarding. Probably best for smaller breeds. Be sure to start slowly to let you dog get comfortable on the board. Regardless, you’ll both likely end up in the water but that’s part of the fun!

Cycling. Once again make sure you’re not dragging your dog and start slowly until they get the hang of it. Same rules apply as with running about the heat.

Dog yoga. Okay this is more of a fun one that an actual fitness one for your dog. But it’s a great way to strengthen your bond and help check them for lumps during the massage.

If you don’t have a dog, don’t fret! There are many local dog shelters looking for dog walkers and other volunteers.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Stay sensible in hot weather

For any of you who took part in any running over the London Marathon Sunday then you’re aware of the discomfort that warm weather running can be. Especially since most of you would have been training during the cold winter and very cold March.

Now that we’re into May we need to start thinking about how we can make warm weather running more tolerable so that you keep going in the summer.

First, try running earlier or later than normal to get most of the cooler temperatures. Avoid running during the peak of the day. If you must run during the daytime, try and find a shady path or trail to avoid the heat of the sun directly.

Second, stay hydrated. This doesn’t mean drinking all the water you can on a run but more like staying hydrated during the day and day before you’re running. Be sure to drink an electrolyte drink when you’ve been training in the heat.

Third, slow down! Remember the pace you normally run at may not be comfortable or tolerable. Running at a perceived rate of exertion rather than a specific pace is more sensible.

Finally, if it’s too hot and you have access try running on a treadmill. Especially for shorter runs this may be the best choice to keep you going.

And remember if you’re on medication make sure to check if they have a sensitivity to heat.

Please stay safe in the heat and enjoy the weather!